There are endless organizing hacks & products out there, but real decluttering is deeper than that. It begins with a shift in mindset and the easiest place to work on your mindset is in your journal. A place where you can make sense of your thoughts, a place of zero judgment, a place where you can be you, creating a feeling of being in charge, a feeling of contentment. Decluttercat aims to help you get there by building mindful habits

I’m Shampa, a graphic designer by profession, mum to a toddler & a tabby, and now a small business owner. Often all these things get in each other’s way creating panic, excitement, breakdowns & joy. Journal writing has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Over the years as it got tougher to find the time, journaling took the form of note-keeping, scheduling and planning. It was a natural shift for me but year after year I struggled to find something that fit the space between a strictly guided structure and a blank journal that needs a lot of work to be turned into a planner.
So sometime after the first wave of covid, I started off on this amazing entrepreneurial journey designing minimal planners & with it, functional accessories aimed at making journaling-planning a mindful activity. You can check our products on our website. We also frequently post tips & ideas on journaling & planning & how to best use a minimal planner to really help you organize your life better. Here are some things to remember
1. Your journal is precious.
Your journal is a reflection of you, it need not look a certain way. It is a reflection of your thoughts and feelings & sometimes you may know in a moment how to organise them but other times it may take multiple brain dumps till they make sense to you.
2. If you are new to the world of planning, weekly planning is a great place to start.
Having a weekly overview of your appointments & commitments allows you to keep your life in balance so you can schedule in time for self-care or build a new habit. As you progress in your planning journey, introducing an undated daily planner in combination can maximise your productivity.

3. Use check-in boxes on a weekly or monthly basis.
Things like to-do lists, reminders, habit trackers, reflections, financial plans & brain dumps are some examples. A key advantage of a minimal planner over a printed one is that you can keep adding and removing from the set of check-in prompts you use each time depending on the need of the hour rather than having to deal with the pressure of filling up pre-existing boxes.
4. A minimal planner can be easily tweaked & personalized. Make the most of it.
You may already know what kind of a planning system works for you or you might be exploring your options, in either case the scope a minimal planner offers are limitless. Few simple ways to change the look & feel of your minimal planner -
A mix of running & capital styles of writing, use of different pens, sticking photos & souvenirs, using loose bits of paper to cover wasted space and lastly the most fun & easy of all - stickers!
Whether you like a minimal vibe or full graphic elements, stickers are an absolute joy to use in your planning system. They make the important things stand out and also add colour to your spread. I personally love using functional stickers with just words and icons and when I really need a change of mood I use stickers with simple illustrations in earthy tones.

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