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Passionate Traditional Artist - Priti Pandiri

say hey to art

Priti has a very distinctive ethnic style, we found her exquisite approach towards preserving the ancient Indian artforms, through her art.

A little note from Priti's Desk

" A dentist by profession and an Indian at Heart. Paints and arts are something that have been exciting me since my childhood, it has always helped me concentrate, and escape stress.

All of this started as a hobby, but now it has become a passion.

Since ancient times, India has been known for its rich heritage, diversity, and love of portraiture, yet many art forms are dying. I make efforts to flourish them by showcasing the variety in art through colourful displays, murals, paintings, crafts, and much more.

Different places, languages, and cultures have various art forms. Each has its history and cultural significance, but increased modernisation and industrialisation and has played a crucial role in killing these types of art forms. In this fast technology-run world, people have started to shift their attention from traditional handicrafts and handlooms to innovations. There is not much recognition or customers for these arts.

Compassionately to restore these arts from dying, small efforts from people like me to protect and preserve the knowledge and skills of traditional crafts are essential to protect the country’s rich heritage. "

We would love for you all to support Priti in her endeavour to sustain the ethnic Indian Artforms like Warli, Pichwai and much more.

Connect with Priti here


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